My Sims Fanon
Conna Agent Conna

Character Info

Role Client, Potential Recruit
Location HQ
Interests Paranormal Paranormal Nature1 Charisma Charisma

Conna appears in MySims Agents as a potential recruit, and can be recruited after his dispatch mission. He wants you to help him finish the agent test, and decides to make some gadgets to repair.

Dispatch Missions

Agent's Recruit

Description- So people can join this SPA? Well it sounds awesome! I might need some help though. You see, there is a special test, and I'm not sure I can do it myself. I could really use some agents for help.

Difficulty- 5/5

Duration- 3/12

Skills- Paranormal/Athletic

Rewards- An object for the HQ and a new recruit!



Senario 1

  • You: What are you daydreaming about now, Conna?
  • Conna: I figured it out!
  • You: What Conna?! Have you found out Morcubus' plot?!
  • Conna: No, I came up with the way to deal with needing to put chocolate in your hot chocolate cup! Just make a bunch of cups with the chocolate inside and refill them everyone in a while!
  • You: Umm, okay. Thanks Conna.

Senario 2

  • You: What are you daydreaming about now, Conna?
  • Conna: Light skin, Blue hair, Black witch hat...

Senario 3

  • You: What are you daydreaming about now, Conna?
  • Conna: Hmm, oh nothing much, just thinking about my new blog on the MySims Fanon.